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The scale was one of the first tools of
civilization; ancient Egyptian tomb art from as
early as 2500 BC depicts the use of balance scales,
which continued to be used until the industrial age.
The first incarnation of the modern strain gauge
scale was introduced in 1938. This scale determined
the weight of the applied load based upon the amount
of force—or strain—that was placed on the gauge,
which was attached to the most stressed section of
the scale platform. In the past half-century, this
technology joined the computer age, yielding
higher-accuracy readings within a more
convenient-to-use design. The electronic transducer,
also known as a load cell, operates utilizing four
or more strain gauges wired together, which
establishes a “Wheatstone bridge” electrical
circuit. The load cell became a popular selection
for commercial weighing applications in the mid-20th
century, but this new weighing method was not
without its own shortcomings.
Electronic scales use load cells to convert
mechanical movement, or applied force, into an
electrical signal. The load cell deforms while
bearing a load, and the compression or tension force
that has been applied yields a corresponding
electrical signal that is read by the weight
indication system. While different designs are
available, load cells based on the cantilever
principle are most common; one end of the load cell
is fixed and the other suspended to absorb the force
of the applied load. The suspended end then reverts
to its initial position once the load is removed.
As this mechanical movement must be precise in order
to deliver highest accuracy readings, the early load
cells were particularly susceptible to environmental
forces that could influence this movement—such as
shock and vibration. This made the load cell more
challenging to apply in outdoor conditions, as well
as in busy industrial environments. Additional
mechanical devices such as expensive check rods and
check plates were often required within these scale
arrangements to help protect the load cell from
damage. They also helped prevent extraneous loading
from affecting the load cell’s operation. However,
as with all mechanical scale parts, these devices
are subject to wear, weather and other deteriorating
factors that reduce their overall operational life.
Continual—and often costly—maintenance programs were
required to ensure proper scale operation, making
the technology more expensive to apply.
A better method was developed as a result of an
innovative weighing solution designed for livestock
farms in the 1960s. Art’s-Way Manufacturing, Inc. of
Armstrong, Iowa enlisted the help of New Jersey
engineer Dick Bradley to create an on-farm feed
mixing solution that included an integrated scale,
which would weigh each ingredient individually with
far higher accuracy than the previous volume-based
method. This scale would also need to withstand a
broad range of environmental effects—including shock
and vibration—and weather conditions, as Art’s-Way
would market this system to farmers throughout the
US. Existing systems employing mechanical components
could wear easily in outdoor conditions, and
undesirable loading effects influenced the load
cell’s readings. Side loading, end loading and
torsion effects would all impact the measurement of
the applied load, reducing the accuracy and
repeatability of the scale system.
Bradley’s solution was the Weigh Bar, an
all-electronic strain gauge weight sensor designed
to measure the applied load accurately without
experiencing problematic loading effects. The Weigh
Bar reliably delivered precise, repeatable readings,
while its weatherproof and shockproof design allowed
it to withstand environmental challenges. Its
electronic design meant the Weigh Bar needed only
minimal maintenance and provided a long usable life,
allowing users to save significant expense both in
the initial investment and in overall upkeep.
Unlike other load cells of this period, the Weigh
Bar used an electronic signal to convey force
measurements, rather than mechanical components.
With this design, the Weigh Bar demonstrated
exceptional accuracy, with no external mechanical
apparatus required for dependable operation. The
strain gauges, or electronic sensors, were
positioned on the outside surfaces of the Weigh Bar,
with two sensors on the top and two on the bottom—a
design that ensured optimal performance.
The result was a new type of load cell that
experienced reduced fatigue, with a low failure rate
and exceptional overload protection. It also did not
require complex vacuum-type hermetic seals that
existing load cells used. Combining a simple potted
seal with the device’s already-rugged design, the
Weigh Bar provided the most robust and reliable
weighing solution the industry had seen—all at a
competitive cost.
As of 1969, Art’s-Way began selling industry’s first
grinder/mixer with an incorporated Weigh Bar-based
scale system. In 1971, Weigh-Tronix (now Avery
Weigh-Tronix) incorporated as a subsidiary of
Art’s-Way and sold the scale system itself to farm
equipment manufacturers. Two years later, the
company’s deck scale featuring Weigh Bar weight
sensors became industry’s first all-electronic scale
to earn legal-for-trade approval from the National
Bureau of Standards (now the National Institute of
Standards and Technology). Plus, the system’s
reliability made it the only industrial scale to
carry a two-year warranty; competitive model
warranties rarely exceeded 12 months.
In the decades since the Weigh Bar’s invention,
Avery Weigh-Tronix has continued to enhance its
design. Today’s Weigh Bar features a multi-layer
sealing process that further protects it from harsh
environments. During manufacturing, the Weigh Bar
also undergoes a three-step treatment process to
further ensure strength, repeatability and low
hysteresis. This combination empowers the Weigh Bar
to withstand everyday jolts and moisture
penetration—delivering long operational life.
Since the 1980s, the Weigh Bar’s construction has
been strengthened through the use of
aircraft-quality alloy steel, made up of a fine
grain structure that further improves performance.
Other Weigh Bar components such as the strain gauges
and adhesive have undergone continuous improvement
throughout the decades since its inception. With
these enhancements, today’s Weigh Bar provides
exceptional impact loading absorption and withstands
in excess of one million cycles.
Several Weigh Bar models are available, including
those designed with stainless steel construction
featuring fully welded NEMA 4X (IP68) cans for
sanitary applications, such as in food and beverage
manufacturing. Models are also available
specifically for use in hazardous areas. The same
rugged Weigh Bar design can be implemented in weight
sensors that vary in capacity from 100 to 250,000
pounds. The wide array of Weigh Bar configurations
promotes its use in agricultural, petrochemical,
pharmaceutical, food processing, material handling
and transportation industry applications.